Fantails, cats and pies – Gratitude day 6

Have you ever watched the slightly manic way a Piwakawaka (fantail) flits around, bobbing from branch to branch, sometimes seemingly going backwards?  They bring a vibrancy and energy wherever they are bouncing their way through life.

I love the way they sing their little song.  On the grounds that the majority of all bird song is based on them looking for sex i really would rather not know what they are actually singing about especially when you consider I have sometime sung back.  So today I am grateful that at this time of the year we have fantails hanging around our house. They remind me to be happy, keep moving and always sing a little song (just not about their subject matter as that would not be a good look).Image result for fantails

As I sat down to write this tonight our cat, Peaches, decided she hadn’t had enough attention today and in the indifferent way, that only a cat can do, decided she wanted pats.  She is currently sprawled out next to me purring her heart out and annoyingly flicking her tail across the laptop when ever she actually feels like it. And because she is a cat she is also covering ⅔ rd of the mouse pad.  No wait! she moved and is now covering the whole mouse pad and the mouse. I am grateful for her conditional tolerance and mighty purr.

Pies.  I know I probably shouldn’t be but I am grateful for pies.  Especially pepper steak pies. There is nothing quite like sitting down to devour a good pie.  The way the pastry all flakes away and gets EVERYWHERE. The scientifically impossible hot filling.  The unrepeatable comments after burning my tongue, chin and frequently skin on the back of your hands.  Yes I am grateful for a staple part of the Kiwi diet – The humble pie.