A lesson in procrastination

Have you ever really procrastinated on something all day and got grumpier and grumpier with yourself for doing it?  That is my day today.

Part of the challenge I set myself around writing down 3 things I am grateful each day is actually sitting down and WRITING THEM DOWN.  And today I have failed miserably to do this. There are no excuses I have procrastinated on doing it. And yes I am grumpy with myself.

But, in that, there is something to be grateful for.  The ability to reflect on something ( or complete lack of doing something ) and then learn from it.  I have a saying “A mistake is only a mistake if you don’t learn from it” So I am grateful for the ability to learn from my mistakes.

I know that I am incredibly grateful for cereal.  You wouldn’t believe how grateful I am after three years of having porridge for breakfast to help me digest the medication I was taking for my MS.  Oh yes I am grateful for cereal, especially at this time of the year when I can have fresh berries from my garden on it.

Lastly I am grateful for Pharmac for funding the medication that is available here for managing the progression of MS.  There is no way we could afford roughly $2k per month for the pills I have been on for the last 3 years, that’s right it would have cost us the best part of $100,000. I have no idea what the medication I am moving to in the new year is worth but based on some of the blood tests I have had over the last few weeks I’m pretty sure I do not want to know.

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